Treasure Seekers

In every pirate story, the heroes come across a frayed and battered treasure map.

This map has as its focal point the mark of a cross...

From that moment of discovery their lives are never the same. They live lives consumed with the pursuit of this treasure. No obstacle is too difficult to be overcome; no hardship is too painful to be endured; in the pursuit of a cross and the promise of treasure ....

I'm a pirate adventurer. I found a map. I know where there's treasure. I'm committed to the hunt. My whole life is focussed on this great adventure. It fills my thoughts, guides my activities, defines my existence. I am passionately committed to this venture.

I want to invite you to come along with me.

I can promise you hardship. The turning upside down of your whole life and relationships, but I can also guarantee a new dimension to living, a new purpose and direction, the fulfillment of a destiny ...

and the promise of treasure ...

So “What's the Treasure?”

Well, the “Treasure” is God.