Treasure Seekers...

It is the restoration of the primary relationship; the embarkation on a voyage of discovery into an intimate and passionate love relationship with the God who spoke and the universe was made!

This is a relationship to which space and time are irrelevant. Think about that!

Every other relationship that a human being can engage in is doomed from the start. Time, if not sickness, death or infidelity, will ultimately destroy all other relationships.

However, God is eternal. Any relationship he is involved in is impervious to time.

God is also unchangeable. He will never change his mind about us. Never abandon us.

God is also infinite. We can never become bored with God because we will never be able to grasp all the wonders of his nature, abilities and character. It is a relationship that will fascinate us forever and our love for him will grow ever deeper and deeper.

There is more to life than life