Our Story...

During this time I finished my three years at college and we felt God's leading to live by faith, not working but continuing to study and to serve the local church in whatever capacity I could and thereby to gain more practical experience of church work.

Unfamiliar Paths, David Bjork's wonderful book.After a year of this a German fellow student, on his way to go and live in Switzerland, gave me a book written by an American about his twenty years of missionary work in France!

This book "Unfamiliar Paths" by David E. Bjork, published by William Carey Library, 1997) radically changed my whole perspective.

In this book David recounts how he came as a Protestant, Evangelical missionary to France to plant new Protestant, Evangelical churches. However, God spoke to him in a completely unexpected way and revealed to him a completely new paradigm for his work in France.

He would continue to proclaim the same message of Jesus, with the same goal that people become passionate disciples of Jesus, but he was to do this in a way that is sensitive to the Catholic culture of France.

And he was to do this with the goal that these new disciples live out their discipleship as part of the faithful within the Catholic church.

David was therefore challenged not to plant "culturally foreign" Protestant churches, but rather to help people come to an Evangelical faith within Catholicism and to live it out within the Roman Catholic church.

This book helped to bring together many different threads that were at that moment dangling loose in our lives. God had been working in our lives over the past few years widening our appreciation of Christian spirituality from the narrow Protestantism of our upbringing.

He had also given us a heart for working to bring unity within the wider body of Christ. All of this suddenly came together in the approach to mission David Bjork was commending.