Our Story...

David and Diane Bjork We found David's email address on the internet and wrote to him explaining how much his book had helped us.

David replied saying that maybe we should get together and try to discern whether God was indeed putting our lives together in some way.

Eventually we met up in Normandy for a weekend and it was immediately evident to all of us that there was indeed a divine connecting of our lives.

Our home church, Burton Community Church, really helped us as we sought to discern God's calling over the years. They also met with David and Diane Bjork and fully supported our involvement with them.

Servants of Servants Foundation We then applied to David and Diane's support organisation "Servant of Servants Foundation" in order to become "Associate Missionaries". Happily we were accepted!

Our home church, Burton Community Church, have been with us as our vision has developed and grown clearer over the years. The church has come to really see that they are being called, along with us, to be involved in this mission.Eventually on 13th October 2000 we moved to France.